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Areas to Serve

Ready to serve?

We need you! And your talents!

Each week at CityGate, hundreds of people just like you give their time to serve. 

Whether it’s helping kids learn about Jesus on their level in CityGate Kids, greeting first-time guests, or pitching in behind the scenes with Production, every volunteer is making a difference at CityGate! 

We know you’re busy, and a million things are competing for your time. But we also know you’ll meet new friends and grow in your relationship with Jesus when you start serving.

There’s a serving opportunity that suits your personality and availability. 

Take a look at a few of our ministries, and sign up to get more information!

Administration Team

Our team uses our gift of administration to support CityGate by using computer skills, data entry, and attention to details.

CityGate Group Leaders

We are trained to facilitate CityGate groups, and equipped to build relationships while helping group members discover their next step.

CityGate Kids

Our team facilitates an experience where our kids have fun and learn about God through worship, bible teaching, videos, small groups, and games.

CityGate Worship (Worship team, choir, band)

Our team facilitates a powerful and engaging worship experience through vocals and instruments.

CityGate Youth

Our team helps students get connected through worship experiences, conferences, retreats, and serving throughout CityGate on Sundays.

Dream Center | CityGate Outreach

Our team facilitates serving opportunities in the community through the dream center and other campus outreach opportunities.

Facilities Team

Our team takes ownership and helps maintain the facilities of CityGate. We ensure the building and grounds are excellent for our Sunday experiences.

Greeters Team

Our team welcomes everyone to CityGate, and makes everyone feel welcomed and at home.

Health Resource Team

Our team of health care professionals serves by providing basic medical care to attendees in the event of an accident or emergency.

Hospitality Team

Our team provides a personal touch to our experiences by serving coffee, food, and making sure our guests feel warm and welcome.

Prayer Team

Our team provides prayer covering for teams, services, ministries, and attendees at CityGate.

Production Team

Our team assists in the production of the overall worship experience using audio, lights, cameras, and other visual elements.

Traffic Team

Our team is the first impression of everyone coming to CityGate, helping everyone in the property and providing a safe and efficient parking experience.

Ushers Team

Our team helps people find their seats, and maintains a distraction- free service environment.

VIP Team

Our team ensures that every guest has an VIP experience by assisting them with check-in of their families, prayer, and answering any questions they may have.
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