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Lead a Group

Are you a leader?

We need you! And your skills!

We exist to be connected. 

We know that isn’t always as easy, and even defining community can be tough. We believe that a healthy relationship with Jesus is more than a bible study or a prayer time, but it is also doing life with others who share similar struggles, sharing a meal, laughing until it hurts, and doing what you love with your favorite people.

What if you could help more people find and enjoy real community?

You can!

Leading a small group isn’t about being perfect; it’s about serving others by giving them a place to connect. 

Hosting a group is simple—choose a topic that interests you and select a time and location to meet with others to share it. 

We give you essential tools to make your small group successful through Leadership Training and a directory where you can register your group so others can find it easily. 

We believe people’s lives are changed one semester at a time by moving one step toward Christ, and as a small group leader you get to play an important role in that process.

CityGate Leadership Training Dates: Every 4th Sunday as a part of Growth Tracks.
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